Islamic regime is intensifying its aggression against workers activists

by admin_shahla

Despite the Corona virus is spreading into prisons in Iran, the Islamic regime not only is not releasing prsioners but but has opened a new court case for union activists like Mr Jafar Azim Zadeh head of free workers’ union and plans to try him again with longer sentence jail. Jafar is the general director of the Free Workers’ Union of Iran and has been sentenced to six years jail for his labour activism .

Furthermore, the authorities have indicated that they are planning to confiscate Mrs Parvin Mohammadi’s house, because she has made her house available to bail out Mr Jafar Azimzadeh previous time he was in jail.  Parvin Mohamma is  the vice president of  of the Free Workers’ Union of Iran. On April 19 she herself was forced to return to prison after her temporary release.

Besides this, Ms Nahid Khodajoo and Mr Shapour Ehsani Rad, two other members of the executive board of this union have been summoned by the Evin Court to serve their 6 years jail sentences.

Free Them Now (FTN) calls on all workers unions and organisations to condemn these inhumane aggressions against the workers and support our campaign to free jailed workers in Iran.

Our more detailed statement is attached

Free Them Now! Campaign to Free Jailed Workers in Iran

Shahla Daneshfar,

April 19, 2020


The Criminal Islamic regime has opened a new case against Jafar Azimzadeh

Three other free workers union’s executive members are summoned to jail

While Corona virus is finding its way into prisons in Iran and spreading fast, the Islamic regime is refusing to answer public pleas to set the inmates free and allow them to join their families.

Not only that, the regime is also accusing well known labour activist and political prisoner, Jafar Azimzadeh, of new ”crimes”.  Jafar is the general director of the Free Workers’ Union of Iran and has been sentenced to six years in jail for his labour activism. He is currently in Evin Prison, ward 8. His wife, Akram Rahimpour, stated on her Instagram that she was expecting his release due to the high risk of the spread of coronavirus in prisons, but the judicial system in Iran has a different plan. Furthermore, the authorities have indicated that they are planning to confiscate Parvin Mohammadi’s house, after she made her house available to bail out Jafar Azimzadeh.  Parvin Mohammai is one of the board members of the Free Workers’ Union of Iran. she  was forced to return to prison after her Temporary release on April 19, 2020.

As well as this, Nahid Khodajoo and Shapour Ehsani Rad, two other members of the board of this union were summoned by the Evin Court to serve their 6 years jail sentences. It seems that the Islamic regime wants to keep the prisoners in danger and allow Coronavirus to take care of them. The Islamic regime is intentionally leaving the prisoners alone without taking any preventative measures, knowing that Coronavirus is spreading fast in prisons. It seems that this criminal regime is watching and waiting for a human tragedy. 

Let’s join Akram Rahimpour and be the voice of prisoners in Iran.

Jafar Azimzadeh, Parvin Mohammadi, Nahid Khodajo and Shapour Ehsani Rad  must be released!   All prisoners must be released!

Free Them Now! Campaign to Free Jailed Workers in Iran

Shahla Daneshfar,

April 18, 2020

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