Massive strikes of nurses continue in different hospitals

by admin_shahla

According to the reports published by the Council for Organizing Nurses’ Protests, the protests of medical staff and nurses in various hospitals have expanded. According to these reports, the strikes in Karaj hospitals, which started on Tuesday, July 30, when the nurses of Imam Ali Karaj Hospital began to protest, continue today, August 5, and the nursing forces are on full strike, and only a small number of supervisors and forces are available to take care of patients.

The nurses of Kausar Hospital in Alborz province also went on strike from Saturday, August 3, in protest of their poor living conditions and working conditions. Also, the nurses of Shahid Rajaei Hospital have gone on strike since Saturday August 3, and the emergency department of this hospital and all the nursing and medical staff have joined this strike by leaving work. Under the pressure of these protests, the head of this hospital came to the hospital in the middle of the night to negotiate with the nurses and promised to take care of the nurses’ request.

The nurses of Shahid Madani Hospital, the operating room department, also joined the strike on Saturday, August 3, and the operating room was closed.

Also, the nurses of Karaj Shariati Hospital have joined these strikes since Sunday, August 4. The non-payment of tariffs is an issue of these protests and according to the reports quoted by the chairman of the board of directors of the Karaj nursing system, the payment of the tariff for the care services of nurses working in Karaj hospitals has not been paid since December last year. In addition, these nurses are also demanding their work payment for the winter of 2022. Under the pressure of the nurses’ protests, an amount has been paid on account for the December 2022 tariff for Alborz nurses. In addition, it has been decided that by the end of August, they will compensate part of the backlog of the nurses’ tariff and pay these demands accurately and not on account.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Karaj Nursing System said: With the follow-up of the nursing system organization, the authorities of Alborz University of Medical Sciences have promised that by the end of August, they will compensate part of the backlog of the nurses’ tariff and pay the amount paid accurately and not on account. .

The latest report of the nurses’ protests is that these protests have been extended to the city of Shiraz. The small amount of overtime pay, the non-payment of welfare items and its small amount, discrimination in the payment of tariffs and the lack of transparency in their amount, the non-implementation of the extraordinary special notice and the correction of the nurses’ salary coefficient, and the lack of human resources, exhausting work and high work pressure, are main protest issues of nurses..

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