Protest against death sentence for Sharifeh Mohammadi, the imprisoned worker

by admin_shahla

On July 4, the first branch of the Rasht Revolutionary Court of Islamic regime of Iran sentenced the imprisoned worker Sharifeh Mohammadi to death.

Sharifeh Mohammadi was arrested on Wednesday 22 November 2023 and was under intense physical and mental tortures for several months in solitary confinement for forced confession. The pressure on Sharifeh Mohammadi was such that her life was in danger, and it has been reported that even some prison officials protested the severity of her torture. For a long time, Sharifeh was deprived of meeting her family, especially her young child, and she was not even allowed to call her family on the phone.

At the time of her arrest, Sharifeh was charged with “propaganda activity against the regime” due to her work in a worker organization. However, after some time, this charge changed to the charge of “Baghy” which is a very serious charge in the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Free Them Now calls on all labor unions and humanitarian organizations at the international level to try to save the life of Sharifeh Mohammadi, this imprisoned worker.

We ask you to sign this petition, write a letter to the authorities of the Islamic Republic independently and demand the cancellation of the death sentence of Sharifa Mohammadi and demand her immediate release, and support the campaign to support her.

Sharifeh Mohammadi’s life is seriously in danger. Let’s rush to save her. She has been sentenced to death for cooperating with a worker organization and defending workers’ rights. Be the voice of her. Defend the unconditional right to organize, right protest and political activity. Let’s protest widely against this inhuman sentence with mass protest letters.

Free Them Now, Campaign to free jailed workers in Iran (FTN)


June 5, 2024


The message of the imprisoned worker’s mother, Sharifeh Mohammadi

Free my daughter!

I am Sharifeh’s mother. My daughter has been detained since nearly seven months ago, and they (authorities) do not give me any information about her. I have travelled to Rasht city several times and asked the prison officials to give me an answer. I begged them to tell me what my daughter’s crime was. Asked them do you want to keep her still in custody ? Sharifeh’s house, her kid and her partner are waiting for her and are  missing her.

 Sharifeh has lost her job. When Cyrus (her partner) was arrested, Aydin, her child, was sad, upset, annoyed, and has missing her mother’s Sharifeh all the time. During this time, I also suffered a lot and I am hurt. Just tell me what Sharifeh’s crime is and for what crime she is imprisoned”

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