French and Danish Workers unions join the campaign to defend Ms Sharifeh  Mohammadi, the labour activist, who is sentenced to death

by admin_shahla

The campaign to defend labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi is going forward with strength. At the international level, this campaign has received a wide response. The most recent one is the support of the French trade confederation collective and the confederation of Danish labor unions for Sharifah and against executions in Iran.

The French trade union collective, consisting of 5 major unions: the Federation Syndicale Unitaire – FSU, the French Democratic Confederation of Labour – CFDT, the General Confederation of Labour – CGT the National League of Autonomous Trade Unions – UNSA, which include hundreds of thousands of workers, called for the unconditional cancellation of the execution sentence of Sharifeh Mohammadi, a worker and human rights activist, and her immediate release.

The Confederation of Danish Trade Unions consisting of several major unions too condemned the death penalty for Ms Sharifeh Mohammadi and demanded her relase.  In their supporting statement, is stated: “Workers in Iran are denied the right to create an independent organization to defend themselves in the fight against the exploitation system and their basic rights. Fighting for workers’ rights should never be considered a crime and a death sentence fro Sharifeh Mohammadi is only a sign of the repressiveness and inhumanity of the Iranian regime. We ask all labor, women and human rights organizations to demand the immediate cancellation of this unfair and unjustified sentence and to defend the immediate and unconditional release of Sharifeh Mohammadi and all political prisonsers in Iran.

Previously, various other trade unions have supported the defence campaign of Sharifeh Mohammadi. So far, global support for this campaign includes: Sweden-Iran trade union platform, Amnesty International, Spanish workers’ commissions, a group of German youth members of the student group of the German trade union “DGB” and the union of construction workers, forestry, ports and Shipping Australia (CFMEU)

The campaign to release all jailed workers in Iran (Free Them Now), previously sent a letter addressed to international labour organizations that was also reflected on the international site of Labour Start, calling for broad support for the campaign to defend Sharifwh Mohammadi and to try to cancel the criminal death sentence for her and for her immediately and unconditionally release. Free Them Now also calls for putting pressure on the ILO  to expel Iran’s regime of execution and repression from this organization.

We are trying to be the voice of this well-known labor activist sentenced to death and her family in the world along with the campaign to support Sharifeh Mohammadi. Sharifeh should be released immediately.

July13, 2024

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