Sepideh Qolyan must be released immediately

by admin_shahla

Sepideh Qolyan is a prominent figure in the movement against imprisonment and torture and a defender of workers’ rights

Sepideh Qolyan is an activist, defending the rights of workers and political prisoners. She was arrested along with Ismail Bakhshi, a well-known labor activist, and a number of workers of the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Company on Sunday 18 November 2018, during the protests of Haft Tappeh sugarcane workers, and was transferred to Ahvaz Prison. Some months later, she was temporarily released on a 500 million Toman (≈ $120,000) bail after one month of detention.

Following the Ismail Bakhshi’s indictment against the prison authorities for being tortured in prison,on January 2019, and inviting Alavi the intelligent minister for a debate about his claim, Sepideh supported Ismail Bakhshi and publicly confirmed that Ismail Bakhshi has been tortured in prison. She said she was ready to testify in court about torturing herself and Ismail Bakhshi in prison. Sepideh Qolyan wrote that the agents used electric cable and sexual harrasment against her to obtain her confession.

The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIB) aired a tv show on, January 19 same year called “burnt project”, on Radio and TV, to curb the protests. This was a usual confession show  by the regime to show that Bakhshi and Qolyan been plotting against the regime and have been in contact with communists and foreign govenements. Confessions that was taken under torture, Following this ridiculous show that faced with widespread protests and disgust in the society, Sepideh wrote “These images that were broadcast of me were further evidence of my allegations that I was tortured during my detention. “I will pursue my torture more seriously than before, and now that my confession has been released, I want my trial to be held in public.”

One day after the broadcast of the film “Burnt project” on Radio and TV. Speideh and her brother were arrested again. The next day, Ismail Bakhshi was arrested too. There were many protests against the arrests.

Sepideh Qolyan was sentenced to a total of 19 years and six months in prison after being tried on security charges. She was then released on Saturday 26 October 2019 on $355000 bail.

After that, Sepideh Qalyan’s conviction was reduced to 5 years prison on appeal and she was arrested and returned to jail to serve her sentence.

She has been later temporarily released and again arrested. Recently on October 8th, her home was raided by 30 security agents and Sepideh who was on temporary leave, was arrested, handcuffed and sent back to prison.

Sepideh has been several times transferred to different prisons, some very remote from her home, to make it more difficult for her parents to meet her. She contracted Covid-19 disease in prison but not been allowed to go for treatment to hospital.

Sepideh Qolyan’s family are worried about her condition. One of the demands of the Haft Tappeh sugarcane workers during their struggle has been the unconditional release of Sepideh from prison. official zlibrary domain lib-z . Find free books

Sepideh Qolyan must be released from prison immediately and unconditionally and all security cases against her and other political prisoners be dropped.

Free Them Now (FTN)

October, 21,2021

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