Campaign to support protesting oil workers in Iran    

by admin_shahla

Currently, different sections of the oil workers in Iran are in protest. These protests are getting wider every day. Free Them Now calls on all the global trade unions to express their support for the demands and struggle of the oil workers in Iran.

The protests of the workers are against attacks on their livelihoods by the government and employers, against oppressive work contracts, against the lack of job security, against all kinds of discrimination and oppression, and especially against the entrusting of a huge part of the oil centres to contractors and the daily attacks and pressure on the workers.

The formal oil workers, who are a decisive part of the oil industry, are now at the forefront of the worker protests at oil centres. Among them, the workers of the operational department of various oil and gas companies have protested during this period in the Offshore Oil Company (Falat Ghareh), Khark Petrochemical Company, Masjed Soleyman oil Company, and Aghajari Oil and Gas Producing Company. These are among the main oil and gas producing companies in Iran and employ thousands of workers.

The protests of the formal workers have intensified since the setting of the salary cap, which lead to a reduction in their incomes, the limitation of retirement payments and heavy tax deductions. Their immediate demand is to stop these attacks on their livelihood.

Apart from formal workers, contract workers also are widely in protest. They object to the types of work contracts that are common in the oil industry and have imposed the most difficult and low paid working conditions on the workers.

These protests are against the entire oil ruling structure. An important part of these workers work under the title of third-pillar workers, who are covered by the Ministry of Labor but are hired through contractors. Their immediate demand is also the dismissal of contractors from the oil industry.

Thus, the atmosphere in Iran’s oil industry is highly inflamed. Formal workers, contract workers, third pillar workers are widely in protest. The oil project workers are also preparing for protests due to not getting their demands met.

Th Organizing Council of Oil Contract Workers’ Protests (OCOCWP) has declared Mondays as the days of unity of struggle of different sections of workers in oil.

The Islamic regime has always imposed strict security conditions on oil workers due to the fear of protests in oil, which is the economic artery of the country. These protests shows that the security walls have cracked and today, the oil workers are protesting against the oppression of the government and demanding their rights. Oil workers need broad social and global support to advance their struggles and to face any repression.

 Free Them Now, the campaign to free jailed workers in Iran, has started a campaign to support the oil workers in Iran. We call on all the global trade unions and people of the world to support these workers by any means possible. Your letters and statements and messages of solidarity and support have a great impact on strengthening this crucial struggle.

Shahla Daneshfar spokesperson 

Kazem Nik khah, FTN’s head of International relations

October27, 2023

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