On September 12, Free Them Now, the Campaign to Free Jailed Workers in Iran (FTN), held an online conference in support of the striking oil workers, and against the repressions…
Free Them Now
eventsfree them now
A conference against the Islamic regime‘s repressions The world should boycott this barbaric regime September 12- 6 pm BST, 7 pm CET, 9:30 pm Iran Time زمان: یکشنبه 12 سپتامبر…
Workers movement
Inhumane treatment of prisoners: another crime of Islamic regime of Iran
by admin_shahlaFollowing the hacking of CCTV cameras in Evin Prison by a group of hackers and the release of videos from inside the prison, the world has now obtained undeniable evidence…
Workers movement
Islamic regime of Iran should be expelled from the International Labor Organization and boycotted globally We support striking oil workers in Iran
by admin_shahlaWe have learned that tens of thousands of contract oil workers in more than 105 oil fields are on strike, demanding higher wages, 20 working days and 10 days off each month,…
Workers movement
CUPE BC re:2019 Mahshahr Massacre Remembrance Rally – November 14 th , 2020
by admin_shahlaOn behalf of the CUPE BC International Solidarity Committee, I am writing to express solidarity tothe struggling of workers in Iran. We have been monitoring the status of Iranian workers…
Please sign the petition below this letter Stephnie Smith president of BCGEU, -Stefhen Von Sychowdki President of Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC) and John Clarke, OCAP Organizer, in Canada signed…
Workers movement
Protest flogging of a worker in Iran for holding a May1st ceremony!
by admin_shahlaCondemn Islamic Republic of Iran and demand prosecution of its heads. According to reports from Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, on 1 June 2020, Rasoul Taleb…
Prison sentences for a number of labour activists in Iran were dropped According to the media report of the Iranian Islamic justice department, the court sentence against 3721 activists in…
free them nowWorkers movement
Islamic regime is intensifying its aggression against workers activists
by admin_shahlaDespite the Corona virus is spreading into prisons in Iran, the Islamic regime not only is not releasing prsioners but but has opened a new court case for union activists like Mr…
free them nowsupportsWorkers movement
Resolution in support of the jailed workers and workers’ movement in Iran
by admin_shahlaPlease add your signatures under this resolution: – The Islamic Republic of Iran has killed 176 people by firing rockets on a Ukrainian passenger plane apparently intentionally. We strongly condemn…